The Virant Group : Products

Infor™ ERP VISUAL Extensions

Reports Dictionary
for VISUAL 6.5.1

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Overview Features Sample Pages FAQ

Our Reports Dictionary continues in the same spirit as our popular Data Dictionary, providing in-depth documentation on all the standard reports in VISUAL.


  • Allows casual users to quickly browse through all reports without extensive knowledge of the software
  • Helps you to understand the origin of report data
  • Easily mark up existing reports for desired customizations

What's New

  • Entirely revised for VISUAL 6.4 and 6.5 functionality
  • More than 110 reports added in 6.4 and 10 added in 6.5
  • Redesigned and more comprehensive cross reference sections for easier use

Reports Dictionary 6.5.2 Supplement

A supplement to the Reports Dictionary for release 6.5.1 is available for users of Infor ERP VISUAL 6.5.2. Additional reports in release 6.5.2 are documented in this supplement.